Friday, April 21, 2017

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! It's been a good but challenging week over here at the Webb house. I'm so glad it's Friday! This morning I dropped my Trenta iced coffee in the parking lot at Starbucks this morning only after taking one swallow. Thankfully the girls made me a new one and I left happy, but that's about how our week has gone. With that said...there has been some REALLY good moments too!
I'm sharing some of my favorite links and loves this week for you!
I made this pie for Easter and everyone loved it. It was pretty easy to make and delicious!

I finished this book and I could read it again. It was so good and even though I loved these two before, I love them BIG now! So fun to hear their story. It was such an easy read. I started it a few weeks ago, reading two chapters while I waited for my oil to be changed, and then didn't touch it for awhile. I think I read the remaining chapters in about two days.

I have NEVER been able to go a day without washing my hair. Until now! I'm really trying to take care of my hair and one way is to not wash it every single day. I picked some of this up and I love it. I could seriously go five days without a wash. Although, most of the time I just go one. Try it, it's amazing!

Okay, I seriously love this peanut! I put together his highchair yesterday and he loved it! It's not quite big enough but the five minutes he sat there he was loving life! I love being able to watch him with all of the developments but I hate that they are happening so quickly.

So I love wearing big sunglasses and Sheaffer had these on her blog awhile ago. ?They are from Nordstrom for only $12! I ordered a pair and I'm loving them!

You guys....I think this one is my FAVORITE thing on my list! Peyton went 9 hours between feedings last night! 9 hours!!! I'm lucky if we get 5 on most nights. Now if I would have went to bed at a decent time....

Yesterday I was given a bunch of fresh rhubarb! Today we are making strawberry-rhubarb pies! It's my father-in-laws favorite and I also love it!
It's no secret that I love animal print! I saw these at Nordstrom's and I love them! You could wear them with practically anything! I don't own any Sam Edelman sandals but I've heard they are so comfortable!
How cute would this be for an indoor herb garden?
I've bought Colson some Native shoes but I like these too! More of a tennis shoe. I'm really wishing I just would have bought a color and not gray. I love the bright green or navy!
I love this wall clock from Magnolia market. We've been talking about what to hang on our walls. I'm in no hurry but I agree with my husband that it looks bare!
Well, there is my really random list of links and loves for this Friday!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I'll see you on Monday!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

I need to try and find some more sandals or just cute shoes for the summer! I'm not a big flip flop person, so we'll see what I can find. :)

Looks like you had a nice week!


Laura Darling said...

Those sandals are so cute! And yum, that pie looks delicious!