Friday, April 6, 2018

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! I can't believe we are into April already! Our spring calendar is filling up and I love it! I went to my nephew's lacrosse game last night and it makes me excited to watch lacrosse and t-ball once the weather warms up just a little bit!
I'm sharing my FAVORITES this week!
This week Colson's preschool went on a fieldtrip to visit kindergarten. Colson was most excited to ride the bus and hopefully see Aunt Emily!
His FAVORITE part was the bus ride. He sat by his bestie and they enjoyed it so much!

Another FAVORITE was running into Aunt Emily! She was in the kindergarten hallway!!

Seeing him sit at those big lunchroom tables isn't my FAVORITE. How do I have a kindergartener?!
Colson's FAVORITE thing to do is draw and create things. He came home from his fieldtrip and made binoculars and...

A marble rollercoaster. I am always amazed at how much time and thought he puts into things.

A FAVORITE afternoon was spent at the park! These boys love to be outside and we took advantage of a nice afternoon before the forecast called for rain!

My FAVORITE lunch dates! Both boys wanted to sit with Dad on this day.

The Emmett public library held a story walk at the park one afternoon. When I picked Colson up from school, we went to check it out.

Colson's FAVORITE part was tacking a break from the story walk to play on the playground!

My FAVORITE part was watching him attempt jumping jacks! #theyneedsomework

I've mentioned on the blog before how much we love Wednesday lunch. And Peyton's FAVORITE part is Papa Kim! 

On Thursday Colson had picture day at school. I wanted to get a picture before he took of for school and he insisted to take one with his brother! My two FAVORITE boys!

As much as I wanted to spike his hair up, he insisted to have it flat and to the side. I don't ever want to forget that this was how he loved to wear his hair. :)

last night after Taylor's lacrosse game, we picked up Dad a soda from Roe Ann's and this boy got a special treat! Ice cream, his FAVORITE!

We have a fun weekend planned! I'm praying we get some nice weather because we're hoping to watch Taylor play another lacrosse game. I hope you all have a good Friday!

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