Thursday, February 15, 2018

Life Lately

I'm not sure what it is, but my blogging has been none existent lately. My schedule isn't any busier than it was in January. I will say, that I'm really loving this time with my boys.
The weather has been amazing! The boys and I have taken a couple opportunities to visit the park.

Peyton tried the swings for the first time and loved them!

We have really enjoyed that it is staying light later. One night after dinner we took a drive and saw deer and an amazing sunset!

We came home and sat out back to enjoy a fire.

Love evenings spent with these three!

I go to a bible study at church on Tuesday nights and I came home to this last week.

One thing I love and look forward to every week is Wednesday lunch. Grandma Kay, Papa Kim, and Travis all go to lunch and the three of us tag along!
I'd say the boys look forward to it also!

Peyton has mastered throwing a fit. If he doesn't get his way or something gets taken from him, he throws a HUGE fit! This was over not letting him drink out of a glass. His sippy cup was on his tray but he kept throwing it.....
Papa Kim and Grandma Jo took Colson for ice cream and brought Peyton one back! He loved it and it didn't take him more than five minutes to eat the entire thing!

We got to Skype with GG and Papa Les last week! I love that we can still see them and the boys and talk to them even though they are so many miles away.

Travis wasn't feeling well and Colson wanted nothing more than for his Dad to feel good. He snuggled with him most of the day!

The boys and I went to Boise this week and had lunch at Chick-Fil-A.
The cutest lunch dates there is!

Colson picked out a dinosaur at the store to paint for Hallie's birthday party. He has the biggest heart and is so excited to give it to her! Her party theme is dinosaurs!

GG sent Valentine's Day cards to the boys and they loved them!

We've had a fun couple of weeks! I'm looking forward to a laid-back weekend spent with family!

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