Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday Favorites

Hello Friday! This week has been great. I haven't wished for the weekend once this week. I've really enjoy the time with my boys since the weather has been nice. I'm linking up with Andrea and Narci to share some favorites from the week.
Moments like this...
I'm going to miss so much. Not only do kids grow way too fast but my school break is coming to an end at the end of the month and I'll be doing school work during nap times instead of snuggling.  I really struggled with adjusting to another kiddo and now that I feel I'm in my grove, I really enjoy it!
This is Peyton's favorite from the week...
I took Peyton into the chiropractor a couple days this week and he loved it. I've noticed that he is less fussy after being adjusted. It hasn't helped with the spit up, but I have noticed a difference in his mood. 
On Tuesday I had a glass of wine.
I tried a new wine and it was so good! It is a lemon moscato. I picked it up at World Market and I'll defiantly be getting some more! 
Mexican food...
Wednesday night is Travis's night to golf. So, I decided it's our night to have dinner at the taco wagon. Chips are salsa are my love language. I love Mexican food!
And they have an ice cream shop inside, so that is Colson's favorite part!

Legos are Colson's favorite! I on the other hand, really don't like them. In all fairness, I'm the one that puts them together. However, he's been asking to put together this since we moved in our house and I finally agreed this week. I'm so glad I did because it was good one on one time with this boy and he's still playing with it.
Like I mentioned before, the weather has been great. I took the boys to the park yesterday and we had the best time. We had a picnic in the park and then played.

On Easter I made this casserole for brunch and I'm planning on making it again this weekend for Mother's Day. It is so easy but everyone loved it!

And, if you're looking for a dessert to make...
This lemon cheesecake is amazing! I made it last weekend and I gave it away so I didn't eat all of it!
Happy Mother's Day weekend!

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