It's Friday!!!! I'm so glad because Grandma B and Grandpa Les get home today. We have missed them so much for the last six months!
So after 10 months we are in our house. Everyday I find something new that I love about it and this week I've looked out our window several times to see the tractor working in the field behind us and I love it. It's one of my FAVORITE views.
I love looking out our windows and seeing all the fields around us but it's fun to watch the tractor working and Colson likes it too!
Speaking of views....
Wednesday night Travis and I put together our new patio furniture and yesterday morning the boys and I went out tried it out. This view is my FAVORITE and these two are also my FAVORITE! I can't wait to have some grass and watch these two grow up here.
On Tuesday afternoon the sun was out so the three of us went outside. Peyton loved watching his big brother and Colson's favorite part was our cheering anytime he zoomed passed us!

While I was in college, a friend introduced me to the best way to eat strawberries! Cut them up and drizzle some sweetened condensed milk over them. It is my FAVORITE way to eat strawberries.
I gave some for Colson as a treat after dinner one night and now he doesn't want strawberries without it. #idontblamehim #itsyummy
Colson helped me make some chocolate chip cookies one afternoon. They were delicious and he was a great helper. However, they didn't last very long.
So yesterday afternoon, Peyton and I made some more. We made three dozen and I'm hoping they last us a few days this time! Cookies are a FAVORITE around here...
And I don't know why but I love having a full cookie jar. I like knowing that my husband can eat a homemade treat whenever he wants! Full cookie jar = FAVORITE!
I tried avocado toast this week with a fried egg on top. It was so good! My new FAVORITE breakfast, snack, or lunch! I could eat it for any meal. So easy and delicious!
Also, I'm horrible about drinking water. I put some lemon and strawberries in my water and I honestly drank water all day. I never craved anything else. It was delicious. My new FAVORITE way of drinking my water!
I was getting ready to head out with some girlfriends on Wednesday and I had some helpers while getting ready. Colson sat on my lap and sang songs the entire time that I curled my hair and the only time Peyton was happy was when someone was talking to him. It was a challenge to say the least but one that I wouldn't change for the world! My FAVORTIE way to get ready!
My Grandpa came over and watched Peyton for a few hours and they both loved it. Peyton was in heaven because I know that my grandpa held him all day long. And, my grandpa is seriously the baby whisper. He loves babies and they love him! My FAVORITE thing is when my grandparents get to be around my babies! They mean the world to me and I'm so thankful that my kids get to make memories with them too!
Colson loves the bath in the master bathroom. He always asks to take a bath in there. I finally let him and we filled the tub enough to turn on the jets. He laid back and said, "Now I'm relaxed just like my Dad was!" His FAVORITE bath night this week was defiantly this one!
And, my final favorite this week is Play-dough. Let me's my least FAVORITE toy that Colson has. However, it's Colson's FAVORITE! He was so excited when I told him he could play with it for awhile before bed if he wanted. I loved watching his creativity but I don't love picking it all up.
Well, that's it for my Friday favorites!
We have a BIG weekend planned. My grandparents will be home from Arizona tonight! We have missed them so much and are more than ready to have them home for the summer. It's Easter weekend so we get to spend a lot of time with family!
Here's hoping everyone has a blessed Easter weekend!
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