Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! This week went by so quickly. I feel like it was busy and yet I accomplished nothing. We went from shorts and flip-flops at the beginning of the week to layers towards the end of the week. However, I won't complain about rain because I love it! gives me an excuse to wear my new pink utility jacket that came on Monday. I saw the UPS river pull up and ran out to meet him! It's my FAVORITE jacket and I know I will wear it way too much!
Tuesday I took Colson to the dentist and I couldn't believe how well he did. At first he wasn't sure about it but Kacie was fantastic and Dr. Streeby took the time to listen to Colson's crazy stories and make him feel comfortable. Seriously, I couldn't say enough great things about Dr. Streeby and his staff. Colson is still talking about it!

Best part...he got his picture taken for the no cavity tree!!!
We didn't even make it out of the parking lot before Colson informed me that he really needed a coffee! When we got to Starbucks he told everyone that worked there all about the dentist so the sweet girl made him a "special coffee" since he was so good for the dentist and didn't have any cavities. Now he has a new favorite drink at Starbucks!

Colson got a new shirt at the dentist and while I was driving down the busiest street in town he put it on and then requested a picture. Mind you that he put it on over his car seat so when we got home and he was sleeping, I had to remove the shirt before removing him all while he was sleeping. Not my favorite part of the day!

Hope you all have the best weekend!!!

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