Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Weekend Happenings

Happy Tuesday, friends! We had the best weekend although it was busy and full of a fussy baby! Today, I'm sharing all about our weekend!

Friday night I was up with Charlee and then Colson woke me up about 4 so we slept on the couch!
Love this sweet sleeping boy so much!

The boys aren't suppose to eat in our room. However, I came out of the shower and caught this boy eating cereal in my bed. No big deal!

This girly was so cute in her blue for Husky Friday!

And these boys were sporting their Husky shirts too!

Saturday morning we went to a friend's house to watch the Boise State football game! 

The boys swam and the adults got to hang out and watch the game.

The boys ate waaaaay too many sweets!

I don't know if anything makes me happier than a clean kitchen! When we came home from the party, while everyone napped, I cleaned! It felt so nice!

The boys woke up so we headed to Grandma Jo and Papa Kim's house. They went to the coast last week and brought the boys back some goodies! I love the jackets they got and the boys love their new shark teeth and shark bath toy!

Saturday night I spent in the chair with this girl. I think she's teething and it's NOT FUN!!

Travis needed to go into work early on Sunday morning so I started my morning early, like 5:30 early. I turned on Friends and made a balloon arch!

Ah! Finished balloon arch with help from Colson! We decorated for my Grandpa Les's birthday party!

While we waited for guests to arrive Peyton had some bonding with Doggy....

and Colson and I played a new game, Ticket to Ride! It's such a fun game and I'm hoping this game gets played a lot in the future!

Party Time!!!! GG and Papa Les with all of their great-grandkids! I'm so happy they were able to get a picture with all the kids! My grandma was so excited to have everyone together!

Charlee Jo was so fussy and Jen was loving the snuggles.

All the cousins had so much fun playing together!

This guy grilled for us! The food was great and everyone had such a good time!

Time for cards and cake!

This may be my favorite picture from the day! The party hats were a hit with the little kids!

I was so excited to make his favorite cake for him! He loves German Chocolate cake!!! However, my grandma had to come and help me. I couldn't put Charlee down on Sunday morning so she had to come and make the frosting. It was a joint effort but it turned out perfectly! Thanks for the help GG!

I told Grandpa that next year we're going to have a great big party for his 90th!
I loved celebrating him!

These two partied too hard! :)

Sunday was a lazy day! Peyton loved all the time he was getting with us.

This girl had some happy moments...finally!

in between her naps...

I worked on packing....

While I was trying to get packed, this boy came in and asked me if I would snuggle him.
I stopped what I was doing and watched a movie with him! He's growing up so fast so I don't want to pass up time with him! 

I love when my laundry room looks like this because that means I finished laundry!!!

Travis was working on make some reservations for our upcoming vacation, I was working on changing our family calendar for September, and Charlee was in her bouncer. Colson came in and started crafting...and then Peyton brought in some toys. We were all hanging in out in the kitchen and I couldn't have been happier! :)

We had such a great weekend. I wish every Monday was a holiday!! More time to spend together.
I hope y'all had a great weekend! Here's to a great week! 

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