Thursday, January 12, 2017

Life Lately

Well here's a little life Lately for your Thursday!

Saturday morning it was snowing and there were major storm warnings for our area. So, while pepole were out getting supplies to he prepared...Colson and I went and picked up donuts and coffee! We left the rest up to Travis!

Sunday they told everyone to only drive on the roaks when necessary because of freezing rain. Well at the end of 37 weeks pregnant, I felt it was necessary to get a pedicure so I talked my mom into driving me over for one!

After a lot of snow and not leaving the house, we became restless but made the best of it. 
One in the front + one on the back!

This boy! As the time nears the end of only having one boy, I've found myself getting emotional. I know God gave us Colson first for so many reasons. There are days and times that I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing as a mom or I wish I would have handled a situation differently and you know what, Colson always forgives me and moves on. Grace. He is full of it. I just know he's going to he an excellent big brother!

And this man, I'd choose him all over again to walk through life with. He's simply amazing. 

Well, it's been pretty boring in our neck of the woods but we are anxious to welcome little brother and for some sunshine! 

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