Thursday, September 1, 2016

#joceveryday2016 {Week 35}

This was a fun week in the Webb house! Travis and I have been gone for most of it and it was so nice to come home to our little boy yesterday! We missed him so much!
Day 237: Hair day is always a good day.

Day 238: Wedding dress shopping. #notforme

Day 239: Pampering.
Day 240: Zero complaints. #sinclairconference #sunvalley

Day 241: love exploring with this handsome man. #sunvalley

Day 242: well hello Peyton! 19 weeks pregnant and headed to a cocktail party. #withnococktails #forme #19weeks

Day 243: Reunited and it feels so good! #hesaidhemissedpeyton #stinker
I can't believe it's September 1st. September is my favorite month of the year. It's going to be such a good month. We have a lot planned. I can't wait!

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