Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Christmas Palooza 2015

We woke up Christmas morning with Buddy reminding us the reason for the season!
I've liked doing Elf and plan on having him return next year...but I'm not sad to see him go!
Colson checked out Norad, throughout the day to check and see where Santa was. He loved watching him fly over the ocean!
 Colson and I ran some last minute errands and when we got home Colson painted these ornaments to hang on the tree!
 I made a festive drink for Colson and I! He loved it and his entire face was red before he was done!
He kept watching the snow fall...it really felt like Christmas!
While Colson took an early nap, I prepped what I needed to for dinner with this view!
 When Dad got home from work the boys made a snowman and Colson had a blast throwing snow at Dad!
Then, we loaded up and went to Grandma Jo and Papa Kim's house!
 After we all ate a delicious meal, we opened presents!
Colson wanted to help EVERYONE!
Some fun with Dad...
 And when we got home we let him open one from under the tree!
 A Christmas book and movie!
This is how we finished our night...snuggled up together!
Christmas morning Colson found his way into our bed around the normal time of seven.
We ventured downstairs and he was so excited about his presents!
Santa left him a shark, a gas pump, and a football!
It was so fun to watch him open his gifts and fall in love with each one.
He's been telling everyone that he wanted a blue iPad for Christmas and while he was opening this one he was shaking he was so excited!
My family came over and gave Colson their presents!
 Dad got some new decoys so the boys opened them and then this happened....
We had the best time opening presents and enjoying the morning together.
We had both families over for dinner at our house and we ate and enjoyed each other's company.
Colson didn't eat his dinner all gone but when it was time for pie...he had one of every kind! Silly boy, he knows what he likes!
Our home was full, and I loved that!
Colson was a character!
 When it was finally time for bed he crashed!
It came and went...and we had so much fun!
I can't believe how quickly December went by.  It seems like just yesterday I was putting up the tree and now, I have to take it down!
We had a really good Christmas and I hope you did too.

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