Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekend Recap: Halloween Edition

This weekend was one of those weekends that I didn't want to end. It was a perfect couple of days with my favorite people.
Friday morning we had Robbie, Ryann, and Jen over. 
We painted canvases for Halloween and then attempted a Reindeer for Christmas. It was messy but fun.  
Colson loves Ryann. He wanted to hold her and I think would have sat there all day.
He was so sweet with her!
Friday night was a frozen lasagna from Costco kind of night!
And...Colson and I made some brownies...
Rainy and cold calls for comfort food and clothes!
We had our friends, Ty, Liza, and Austin over!
 Since the guys were going duck hunting in the morning, they all practiced their duck calls...
Saturday morning, Travis went duck hunting and Colson and I went back to the pumpkin patch with Liza and Austin. So much fun!
 I love these boys! 
 Saturday after naps, we enjoyed homemade potato soup in bread bowls and then took the boys trick-or-treating!
 So fun watching them grow up.
 Sunday, we went to Frozen on Ice!!!
 For being so young, he did really good.
 We loved it!
Of course we ended our weekend watching the Broncos play.
  Touchdowns and pizza!!!
I'm ready for a busy week ahead of us. I love November and of course my favorite holiday...Thanksgiving!

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