Thursday, March 19, 2015

#joceveryday2014 Week 4

I'm a couple days late. We've had a busy couple days. But here is week 4!

Day 23: Colson officially transitioned into a forward facing carseat and did great! He had his one year check-up the day before and his doctor gave me the okay to change him!

Day 24: Legos!

Day 25: Fun at Jabbers!

Day 26: My mom helped me make some cupcakes and Valentine popcorn for a bake sale at work. (I have no idea why my Instagram picture isn't on my phone!)

Day 27: Spaghetti squash and it was so good!

Day 28: I was reminded how great my life really is when I picked Colson up and was able to kiss him and love on him.

Day 29: Colson stayed up a little later than normal. We rocked in our pjs extra long. Nights like these I truly charish. I love when he slows down long enough to cuddle. :)

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