Monday, September 25, 2023

Weekend Highlights

 Happy Monday! This weekend was the perfect amount of busy and low key. 

Our town had homecoming this past week. It's one of my favorite weeks of the school year.
The kids all loved the parade. Charlee and I got to see Bowen!

Grandma Jo even joined the fun! She never misses an opportunity.

I didn't get a group picture of all of us. 
Blue shirts...we tried our best to show our school spirit!

The sophmores float was Peter Pan, the kids' favorite!

Such great friends!

Colson and Mrs. Howe!

Then, Friday evening, we attended the varsity football game. It was a tough loss.

Saturday morning was bright and early for us. We headed to Colson's football game at 8:30. He had a great game and won 40-0. 

So fun watching him play.

Meanwhile, the littles were busy coloring!

All three kids were invited to a birthday party is it was so much fun!

These two brave girls even went zip lining!

Sweet friends!

Sunday looked a lot like this! I managed to put up some Halloween decorating and finish the laundry. Other than that, it was full of snuggles. 

I hope you had a great weekend!

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