Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Favorites

 Happy Friday, friends! It's a very happy Friday at our house because we finished the first week of school. Our school distric usually starts on a Thursday so having a full week to kick off the school year has us extra tired.... I'm sharing some of our favorites from the week.

Hearing all about school is my favorite but apparently kick ball is the only thing he’s done all week because that’s all I’ve heard about….must be his favorite!

Travis and I had the opportunity to see Jewel in Sun Valley this week and she’s extremely talented. The Pavilion in Sun Valley is one of my favorite venues.

Cousin time is the kids’ favorite!

This girl is becoming more independent and it’s favorite. I love watching her play and I love being able to get things done!

Travis’s new favorite picture! I think the gas business runs in their blood. This fuel pump might be the most used toy that our kids have. And we know they don’t learn this from their mom because I’m the worst about filling my car up with gas.

Being home with my kiddos is my very FAVORITE of the week. There is nothing better!!!

Pumpkin spice is back!!! Pumpkin everything is my favorite, especially in my coffee.

Peyton said we don’t have enough pictures together so obviously we had to take a picture and that little smile is my favorite!

I keep thinking I need to part with the rocking chair but moments like this make it hard. Knowing she’s my last baby makes all these transitions so hard. Watching all my kids grow is my favorite but so are all of these special moments.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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