Wednesday, June 27, 2018

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday! We've made it halfway through the week and I can almost taste the margaritas that I'll be drinking on my patio on Friday. This week is CRAZY! Travis is crazy busy at work, I have a big test coming up for school that I'm studying for, and taking my regular classes. Oh and keeping up with the boys. #sendhelp #justkidding

So, I'm linking up with Shay, Mel, and Shaffer today with What's Up Wednesday!

The last Wednesday of every month they share these questions:

 I made goulash earlier this month and Peyton loved it!! He was the only one...but he had three bowls full of it and then required a bath in the kitchen sink!

We're also eating all the leftover desserts from Heidi's shower. We have so many cake balls left!


The left was last year at the Cherry Festival and the right is this year!!! He's grown so much!

And another comparison.....

Why do they have to grow so fast???

We're making plans for July and it reminds me of the 4th of July parade last year...

Spending our days outside, playing on the play set!

This month we were outside everyday! We went to a splash pad and played in the driveway or the play set EVERYDAY!!! We love summer in this house!

I'm dreading my big test for school.... It's in the middle of next month so I'll be glad when it's over.

Just passing that test that I'm dreading....

There was some talk of a date night this weekend!!! I've very excited about that!

Guys! I can't stop watching Grey's! I'm almost done with season 5. It's so good!

I'm still loving Spotify. We always have it on at home and in the car!

I've been throwing on a kimono to dress up my normal jeans and t-shirt look! I'm basic when it comes to clothes so I'm trying to step up my game...

Celebrating my brother's 30th birthday!

Celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary!

And I'm determined to wake up to this view at least once next month...

I think that covers it. Were're just enjoying summer! I hope you've all had a great June!

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