Thursday, May 26, 2016

#joceveryday2016 {Week 21}

What a week! We've mainly been packing up our house this week with a few things fit in on the side!
Day 142: just doing guy stuff!
Day 143: Love this family of mine!

Day 144: I think God must have spent some extra time on Idaho.

Day 145: "Mon, I'll hold you so you don't fall."

Day 146: It gets worse before it gets better, right???

Day 147: This stage is so fun and yet so challenging but I really love the imagination play and stories that he comes up with!

This week we are CRAZY. We're packing up our house. And have what seems like a million things going on but it has been a week that tops the charts! I'm so thankful for my partner in life. Nothing is ever boring at the Webb house!

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