Friday, April 1, 2016

Friday Favorites!

TGIF! I'm glad it's Friday, but this week flew by for me!
We had such a good week, but I'm excited for our weekend plans!
Linking up with Andrea, Erika, and Narci to bring you my Friday Favorites from the week.
First up on our FAVORITES this past week is the baking that took place in our home. I must say that I love when Colson wants to help me. I love that he enjoys being in the kitchen with me. However, the mess that it creates and the extra time isn't always my favorite. So, when he asks to help me I try and remember that he's only little once and all the time I can get with him is valuable!
I always take so many pictures and most of them don't turn out but I don't take the time to delete any of them. So Colson is used to smiling a lot for pictures. However, his new FAVORITE thing is funny pictures. He requests them almost every time I try and take his picture now.
He's really mastered them...
and my FAVORITE is that Dad plays along with us!

A not so FAVORITE part of our week...Colson got two black eyes on Easter. You can't tell from this picture. He got hit in the eye at children's church and then he wacked himself with a toy that afternoon. It's a good thing he's young and tough.
Sleeping pictures of my little boy with always be my FAVORITE. I have so so many of them but love each and every one!
(I mean...look at those cute feet!)

This weather and that view are BOTH my favorites. Our sitter has the best view of our town. It's beautiful at her house.

I wear my green military jacket way too much because it's my FAVORITE jacket to wear. But...look at this beauty. I've been eyeing it for weeks on and it just went on a major sale. I'm not sure I'll be able to bit the bullet and order it but I love that it's pink! Perfect for spring and summer.
Last but not least...Timehop is once again my FAVORITE. I love the sweet memories that it brings up! I can't believe these were a year ago!

We're hoping the weather holds out for us this weekend!
Happy Friday everyone!


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